A Corking Good Time

My husband and I made our first cork board. We have our own; this was a gift for friends.
Would you like to make one? Here are 5 things to consider.

1. The frame. You can re-use frames you have around,
look for old windows, etc. Garage sales are a great place to find frames.


2. The backing. My husband cut 1/4″ plywood for this one.
I imagine a hardware store/carpenter’s shop would do this for a small fee.


3. Corks. I have a private supplier (my brother). Check with
restaurants in your area. I set the synthetic ones aside.
You can bid on bags of corks on Ebay.


4. Design. I like the 2 x 2 design. If there was one thing I’d
highlight it is these words of wisdom from my husband:
“It’s just like tile: lay them out before you glue.”
Impatient to get going, I had planned the glue-as-you-go method.
But corks have different sizes and it took a bit of
maneuvering to have a board without humps or gaps.


5. Glue. I thought I would use a glue gun, but instead I used
wood glue. I centered the writing/design on the corks.
Let the board sit overnight, then turn it over to see if
any corks are loose.
Here is the finished work!