Putting the Tree Up


Dearest John,

Just a note that I should have written several days ago. I’m busy as a bee and still a lot is going undone. I can’t remember what we decided about your folks’ gifts. I got the things off for Washington (her relatives) and Wheaton (his relatives) and sent a check to Harold’s.

Mrs. Grif. told me that Gertrude was operated on and they found a malignant tumor and just had to sew her up again, and in their tests they also found that she has Hodgkin’s disease. She doesn’t know all this. I took time to write her a letter.

We got our tree and put and lights on this a.m. Changed furniture around some. Danny is so happy — children will put other decorations on tonight.

Don’t stop to buy groceries on the way home. I bought considerable to stock up and we’ll need the money. I’ve been paying bills and getting gifts—goes so quickly. Afraid the Lord will not get His rightful share of this Christmas.

Now I must close. The mailman comes early. What shall we get David? He wants a horn or a watch. I have got most of the other children’s gifts. Clothes from us and trucks, etc. from what Grandma gave us.

Lovingly, Nellie

P.S. I’m busy but want to tell you again how much I enjoyed the banquet and appreciated you bringing me home. Hope you get back O.K. and get ready for Monday’s classes. The banquet was such a treat – from beginning to end.

The Stress of Christmas


Tuesday, 12-17-1957

My Dearest,

How good it was to hear your voice on Sunday night. I should keep a notebook by the phone so if you call I can refer to it and ask the things I always forget in the excitement of getting a call.

Mrs. Wolcott heard from Daddy [I only know one or two people who call their father-in-law Daddy. Was this a common habit?] that they would probably be through here on Tuesday or Wednesday. So I’m trying to hustle around and get things ready in case they come today. If they don’t, I’ll have to do it all over tomorrow — you know our house. I’m washing. Yesterday I fixed up a Christmas lesson for Mrs. Rose and in the afternoon took the children to the chapel for a combined CEF (Child Evangelism Fellowship) class where Miss Beverly Saunders spoke. She is going out to Venezuela soon. Then in the evening I took David into the chapel for basketball and practice for their part in the Christmas program. Randy promised them a malt if they would all come to practice. They got it at Fenners. I took Dorothy to Sunnyfield Road for a 4H meeting or party. Hesper went after the girls then.

Danny has learned the art of using scissors. He sits on the floor and cuts everything available. Have to teach him how to pick it up!

The coal bin is empty and I don’t want to order more when two tons are not paid for as yet. So I’m asking the Lord to send in money for these bills before I make any more. I added it up last night and we need $200 to pay bills and take the Lord’s money out of, i.e. $160 for bills and $40 for the Lord’s portion. That doesn’t include anything but due bills and no groceries. That is the doctor and dentist, too. I haven’t heard from the Red Cross yet so I don’t know if it will be more than $50 or not. I would like to pay it ourselves as the chapel is low on money, too. I think that is one reason that they have been having local brethren do the ministering lately.

I don’t imagine that you have been able to do anything about Christmas gifts for the folks since you haven’t had any money either. Should the Lord see fit to send in some gifts this week, I’ll send down things for Bob and Ruth with Nita when she comes down on Friday. Marion called me last night to see if I would have anything I would like to send down to you with her. I may also send some clothes to the PGM (Pacific Garden Mission) if she doesn’t mind taking them. She could give them to you and you could deliver them on your way home next week.

If we get out any cards this year I’ll be surprised. I don’t think that I can get around to it — at least the way things look now. Part of my trouble is that I’m disappointed about not getting any pictures taken and I just don’t feel like sending out the same old things that I have sent out for two years. And I don’t feel like buying new cards when there are so many of the old ones upstairs yet. Wonder what folks would think if we didn’t send any?

Well, Carol is waking so I’ll close. She isn’t much good as an alarm any more – sleeps too long. I got up at five this morning to check the time and was afraid to go to sleep again as I knew I would oversleep then. It is almost dark when the bus comes now so I can’t wait until it gets light to wake up.

I’m praying for the banquet and for the speaker. I have to ask the Lord to keep me from being jealous of Nita and Ruthie as I would so much like to be there. But I am happy that they can be there. I’d just like to be there, too! May it be more than just a good time: a real blessing to all, the speaker included! Would love to hear you…

Carol is being insistent, so I’ll run.
Love all of us, me especially,

Shoe Through the Window


Dearest John,

A snowy Saturday morning — and the house is buzzing with restless children. I guess that we’ll get something done, because some mail came for Granddaddy [my dad’s dad who was a traveling evangelist] and so he must not be far behind. So that gives us all an inspiration to give an extra push.

We also got a package from Aunt Betty [my dad’s sister in South Africa], which reminds me that we haven’t sent her anything for this year. [I think they sent support $$]

The doctor yesterday found most things in good shape. As far as my heart he said that everything seemed good. But for the record and to see if anything had happened, he recommended an electro-cardiogram. I didn’t make any appointment for it: said that I would wait until the holidays when you were home to see about it. I was afraid to ask what it cost. Money is getting to be a touchy subject!

Mrs. Warner was out on Thursday and left the chapel check here with me. Then Friday a.m. Kessler and Emerson came out to put the new control on the dryer. Monday I about called them to check it again as I couldn’t get it to start at all. Then, later in the day, I tried it and it went without any trouble. Well, his bill was $32.08. I debated whether to charge it or pay it, and decided to pay it. Since we don’t have an account there, it didn’t seem good to start one and then have a hard time getting around to paying it. So by the time that was paid, the Lord’s portion taken out and a few groceries bought, I have not much left. Three dollars for eggs and Sunday School offering, and milk money at school.

I guess that it is a good thing that you didn’t come home this weekend just from the point of traveling expense. The Lord must have some purpose in it. Maybe we didn’t prove faithful in using all that He sent us last year. We certainly spent more on ourselves than we would have in secular work. Well, whatever it is, I hope we learn our lesson, so that this will let up. To have so many bills, and right at Christmas time when each time I turn around it is someone needing more money for gifts, etc. Teachers, bus drivers, etc. all around.

Well, I don’t think I’ll write more now. David kicked off one of his black shoes and it went through an upstairs window. [!!!] That is not fixed yet. I should have done it yesterday, but the wind was so strong that I hated to take it out and I was short on time. We had a flat tire one morning when due at the dentist. Dorothy and I were hustling and changing it, when Mr. Milliman drove up and he helped lift the tire on. I had it fixed and David changed it. Dale fixed the clutch and in addition filled the gas tank and put a quart of oil in it. I certainly appreciated that. Clutch works fine now.

Johnny just came to tell me that he and David are going to help now and try to be peacemakers. They are doing the bathroom. Well, I must close. Jimmy says that he has been talking to Carol [awwww!], but she is fussing anyhow. She is tired so I’ll get her to bed. Sure do miss you but we are looking forward to a nice long Christmas holiday. Would like to have a birthday party for Margaret this year [12/28] — she always comes out short on the birthday celebration.

Love from us all,

Going to Chicago

Wednesday 11-8-57

Dearest John,

Lunch time, so I’ll try to get a note off before the mail man comes. I hear Carol, so a little will depend on how insistent she is. She shouldn’t need attention yet. She is back to normal now – at least waking up to know she is fed and stay awake a little while. Monday she scarcely opened her eyes even during feeding.

Last night Danny put his coat and hat on (backwards, of course) and announced that he was going to Chicago to see you. It was bedtime and he wanted to sleep with you. He has no idea how far you are. Just down the road, according to him. David told him you were really West and he had a fit. NO! You went the other way! We all get so tickled at his antics. He stays good natured even when determined that he must see you.

Mended and altered clothes all day yesterday. Doesn’t seem that I get much done when I do that. It takes a lot of time and not much to show for it.

David got a $4.00 check from Grandma Stover to divide with Danny for their birthdays. David has tossed around all the ideas of what he wants for his birthday and I guess that it will be shoes for the gym. Tonight he is going to stay and play the last football game.

My heart still skips beats; it’s a queer sensation. It hasn’t happened as often as it did on Sunday a.m. and there are no other aches and pains, so I’ll let it ride until my check up.

Margaret got her permanent last night. Was she tickled about that! It was really curly this morning and I hope that it does not come out this time. Her hair doesn’t take a permanent very easily.

The service man is here now to look at the machine. Something slipped, he said, and I hope he can fix it. Well, I will close now and try to get a note off to Mom yet. All my love to bestest husband and sweetheart in the world.


Digging Potatoes, Cashing Checks

Tuesday, 10-22-57

My Dearest,

Again I am racing to get this done before the mail carrier comes. I should have started sooner, but I was listening to Paul Harvey and this slipped my mind. I did get your grade book in an envelope and out to the mail box so you would get it pronto.

How did you manage to get through yesterday? I slept spasmodically after you left. I guess it was on my mind that you were traveling. The baby slept until about 5:00 and after that I didn’t sleep. Danny comes down each night and finishes the night out with me. Monday he kept chuckling and telling me about all the records that you had played for him – both sides!

David went to the dentist yesterday. I guess that they only x-rayed his teeth and I’ll have to call in and see what has to be done more, if anything. David also played football after school and his team won.

We dug two rows of the late potatoes last night and not nearly a full bushel – mostly good sized ones, too. But I spoke too soon about the ones near the top of the garden. we not only couldn’t find them, but we couldn’t get the shovel in the hard soil to hunt for them. We did get the sweet potatoes dug and they are lovely this year. Found a few tomatoes but they are about gone for good.

I should have gotten the check cashed yesterday, but I neglected that, so will send you the money when I get it done.

Now I had better close and race this out to the door. Enjoyed the speakers this morning. Tozer gets down where it hurts, but what I need. I hope you can get to hear some of the conference. This afternoon I am going to try to do a washing. First time I’ve tried it. Still no parts for the washer, but I don’t know if I’ll know how to use it when they do come.

All my love,


A Bawl Game


Dearest John:

What a morning!

We are using the automatic, but we can’t get the suds to return to the machine, so we are lifting it with buckets and it is a high lift. Dorothy just suggested that we may have the hose too near the bottom. An idea and we’ll check at the end of the load. I have a letter ready to mail to Sears if that proves wrong. We are using the new gyrator and it works perfectly so far. And what we have washed dries in half the time it did with the wringer. When we get caught up and organized it is certainly going to make wash day easier.

Margaret was so tearful this morning that it finally dawned on my to check her temp and it was over 101°. By that time she told me she was cold. The house was cool because the wind is blowing, but she was definitely chilling. So I guess she is down with the bug. But you know kids. Wanting to play games while down.

If we have the flu, Mother better not come here and get exposed. With sickness we couldn’t can [we canned up to 100 quarts of applesauce every year] much anyhow, and Daddy depends on her too much to risk getting down with it. Besides, as it is now, I don’t see how we can afford apples and sugar. Perhaps things will change by then. I spent more than I should have yesterday on groceries; also bought a bushel of apples for eating, Jonathans, so we could have them for lunches. They need the fruit and in the long run this is very cheap eating.

David got up before breakfast and dug the rest of the potatoes this morning. A good start for the day, but as of now, I’m sure the day is not continuing or going to end as well. In fact one would thing we were having a bawl game [<<— !!] and I didn’t misspell that. With Margaret down, Jimmy and Danny with nasty colds, and I wouldn’t be surprised if Johnny were getting something. Well, it is no wonder. Dorothy has been a jewel and a lifesaver.

Now I will close and get lunch ready. Tomato soup and toasted cheese sandwiches.

Very interested in Tozier’s message yesterday. Some questions to ask you when you get home. Wonder where women without husbands get their questions answered? I could get along without that, but I couldn’t get along without you and your love. I still marvel that you love me, but so very glad that you do.

Carol Ruth weighed 7# 3oz last Sunday. Today, Saturday, it is 7# 10 oz. so she is going along fine. I got orange juice and Similac yesterday. Can’t get her stuffy nose cleared up.

All our love, mine especially,


Rutabagas and Our Rat

Wed. a.m.

My Dearest,

Oh, it was good to hear your voice and so unexpected. Lots of times when I pick up the phone I hope it will be you, but last night it took me by surprise and you sounded so close that I could hardly believe you were still in Oak Park.

If you got my letter of Monday on Tuesday than the mails are improving. [!!] You should get these letters before you leave. I’m sorry that you will miss the meeting on Saturday night. I know how you enjoy them and how comparatively few support much missionary endeavors.

Cloudy today – looks more like winter is around the corner. We went out to the garden this morning just to look around. I did bring in a cabbage head and two rutabagas. In case your folks come in they will be ready to fix — but can’t you hear the family yell clear down there! I fixed squash on Sunday, like we had at Bad Axe [a city on the “thumb” of Michigan]. They ate their spoonful when I put it in their mouths. Johnny and Jimmy, that is. So yesterday I put the rest into pies. Johnny tasted it and was sure that it was pumpkin pie and enjoyed it. Jimmy wasn’t sure and wouldn’t eat it. But then Jimmy never has liked spicy things like pie or spice cake.

Our rat [??!!!??] still evades us, but we do know that there is some way for it to get on the back porch from the basement, and perhaps from outdoors by way of a tunnel under the porch. We saw it on the back porch and it acted slightly sick then [??!!!??] but it disappeared and we don’t know how or where.

I’m feeling better each day which is encouraging. The youngsters have been doing very well in helping out. David is going to make a good fireman – he has done it all this week and the house has been just fine all the time.

The baby is waking up for her feeding so I’ll close and get this out to the box. She has certainly been good — we’ll have to get the scales down this week to see how well she is gaining. I’m sure she is.

All our love,

Je t’aime beaucoup, beaucoup

The only baby picture of me that I know of, probably taken around Christmas 1957

Tuesday 10-5-1957 10-8-1957
[one week after I was born – see the next post for the 10-7 letter]

My Dearest John,

It is such a beautiful day that I feel like working in the yard – but not really as my back is not yet strong enough for that.

David is feeling better this morning and wants to go to school this afternoon. Their room has a football game this afternoon. But this morning they were fixing shredded wheat and a bowl of the hot water tipped on him —his stomach— and really blistered it. A large patch just above the navel. So he won’t play. He had hoped to even though I said that it was too soon for that after being sick. [A Harper weirdness? We ate the pillow-shaped biscuits this way: pour boiling water over shredded wheat, let it sit 30 seconds, drain off the water, add a pat of butter and a spoon of sugar.]

Dorothy went to a 4H meeting last night to see what it was about. Hesper took her and Norma, for cooking and sewing. They would enjoy it, but I was disappointed when she came home smelling like smoke. She said the leader smoked right during the meeting.

Mary Dillon came over last night to see if she could help any. They had a CEF [Child Evangelism Fellowship] class at her place yesterday – 19 children came out. David was home sick and Dorothy didn’t stay, as I had asked her to come home to do the washing, which she did. They have really been helping out very well, and I have been getting my rest. Little jobs are piling up, but I hope to soon be able to do more and get at them.

I made some home-made noodles last night. The children really went for them with some boiling beef. I’ll have to do that from now on – very simple and good.

Strat Shufelt has a 15 minute program on WSTR this week – 8:30 a.m. I didn’t know about it until Margaret mentioned it. So I listened today. I think he is using some of his own recordings of music and then the message part is live. I am going to try to get out on Friday night. I haven’t told the youngsters yet, but if I feel up to it, I will try that.

Now I must get lunch ready. Scrambled eggs for my invalids. Danny, the clown, holds his stomach and groans, so that he can crawl up on the davenport with David! That was yesterday as David has been up today doing school work.

Je t’aime beaucoup, beaucoup – that will fool David; he has been looking over my shoulder.


Lightening Came Out the Plug

Monday 8-05-57

My Dearest,

Just another note today. Dale’s father called and said you arrived about 4 p.m. I was glad to know that, but wondered what slowed you down.

Yesterday we went calling [canvassing neighborhood] for VBS [Vacation Bible School] but didn’t accomplish much. Looked like a slim crowd today [at VBS, I guess]. I didn’t stay. Danny is worse – on a water, cottage cheese and gelatin diet strictly until better. My stomach rumbles today, too.

The storm Saturday afternoon knocked our corn mostly flat, lightening came out the old electric stove plug in the kitchen twice [!!?!], but it really cooled things off and I feel 50% better already. Mr. Ibbottson spoke yesterday and picked out all our children as Harpers. Said they knew you when at Curly Hill [in PA].

King [a dog, whose dog?] is here and keeping Danny company while others are at VBS. Looks like I lost the battle of a dog again.

Danny wants to go see you every time we get in the car. He is confused – as I am, but about different things!

Writing “Thank you” notes today for the shower – 42 of them – whew!! David certainly seemed to enjoy this camp more then Jr. Boys – and said that Bruce told him he was a “good sport” — which helped his morale.

Much much love,

We’ll Get There Yet

Tuesday, 5-28-1957

My Dearest,

You will not likely get this until you get back from the retreat on Friday. At first I wasn’t going to write and then I thought you would probably like some mail when you got back and would be wondering what I am going to do.

As far as I know I will try to come down for commencement. Wolcotts want to go out to Arlene’s for supper, or to get cleaned up before the meeting. However, if we get there a little ahead of time, I would rather stop at the school and eat supper with you. But this far ahead, I can only plan and wait until the last minute to see if anything else turns up. More scarletina, etc. Snyders have planned for so long and now they are sick with some of this, either measles or scarletina and don’t think that they will get down for commencement.

The car problem [dropped tail pipe and muffler, oil leak?] didn’t seem right and I asked Ralph yesterday if such a job would be one that you could do. I know that you like to tinker with the car and to save some money if possible. He said that he had tried it once, but had to end up taking it to the garage to finish it. With older cars some of the nuts get so rusted that it is hard to work with, and unless you have a place to drive it up on, it is really hard. The money problem was holding me up, too.

Then a letter came from Fields [a missionary organization]. I glanced inside and thought they had made a mistake and sent Bob Harper’s [My dad’s brother] receipt to us. So I laid it aside and later my curiosity got the best of me, wondering how they could make such a mistake. Behind the paper which is the same size as their receipts was a check of $25 from Bob and Jennie. So with that I called up Arnold and Don’s and they said they could take it today—so they have it now. He said he thought there was exhaust trouble too, and estimated the cost at $20, and I asked him to grease it while he had it.

By the time I paid insurance, sent out some Lord’s money, and had to get David some shoes on Saturday, I was glad to see that check. Wonderful how the Lord times the needs and the supply of them. So I hope that this meets with your approval – I figured that you would have plenty to do here in the next couple weeks, and if possible I know they would be able to use you at camp helping to get ready to open up. Beds, etc. all have to be set up. All of us could go up some days. Wash woodwork, etc. in readiness for this.

Frosted last night, but today is lovely. The two boys are outside playing. The last day of school for the others. David is going to work in the garden this afternoon. So I hope that I get to see you on Friday night. I just finished typing the programs for the recital. Now I must get to a huge washing.

Danny made me laugh this week. He pointed to your navy picture on the dresser: “Daddy’s picture” — then he chuckled. “In a dress!” Danny also had another milestone — he asked me to take him to the bathroom yesterday! But the next time he forgot. We’ll get there yet.

Love from all of us. We do love you, and are looking forward to summer. You would enjoy a big croquet game going on outside the window here – Danny and Jimmy. Nothing like it on record!

Always yours,

I wrote Bob & Jennie a thank you for the gift