How Can I Keep from Reading?


Why I Read, 1

The first answer is easy: because I can’t not read.

I grew up in a book-filled house, the youngest of seven kids. We read in bed, we read in the bathroom (picture a child pounding on the door: “I really have to go. . . and I know  you’re reading!”), we read on the porch swing, we read on the front steps, we read on the couch (we called it the davenport), but we didn’t read at the dinner table. That was considered rude. In the same way people today sneak a look at their cell phone under the table, we all at least once tried to read a book on our laps. We always got caught.

After dinner, we grabbed RSV versions of the Bible and read a chapter of Jeremiah. I know we read other books, but I only remember Jeremiah. (Honestly, in second grade my teacher asked us to define rent. I threw my hand up and swirled it around until she called on me. To tear your clothes.)

We read at the same table while gulping down cold cereal. Every inch of the cereal boxes. Over and over and over. Riboflavin, B12, sold by weight not by volume. Battle Creek, Michigan. 49037.

My dad never left the house with less than four books. Because, you know, you never know.

We grew up without a television (my dad’s choice) so reading was the first avenue of diversion available.

Reading became a habit that followed me into my adulthood. It is my default.




8 thoughts on “How Can I Keep from Reading?

  1. Yes!

    I love the way you write; I can just see the swirling hand! And thanks for the reminder of reading ALL the words on the cereal boxes! I had a flash back to my own kitchen table.

    As the saying goes, reading is FUNdamental!

  2. Oh, how I do understand your desire to read…what would we do without our books?
    Reading takes me to places I will never see in person and introduces me to people I would never meet otherwise. You are blessed to come from a family of readers and yes, cereal boxes at the morning table, my eyes could not help themselves. love and prayers, jep

      • I don’t know why I can write here at Carol’s blog and not at Donna’s….hello back Susan…I read Donna’s blog, so keep up with all of you. And, keep you each one in my daily prayers. {{{Hugs}}} jep

      • Hi, jep! Just the other day I realized you no longer write on Donna’s blog. I miss your lovely comments and prayers. So glad to know that you are okay. And Carol, I love reading your blog. You have such a way with words- yes, the cereal boxes as a child. My grandma called the couch “the davenport”. You brought back a good memory.

      • Thank you Carol for letting me write back to Debbie here….I miss writing on Donna’s blog. Seems like some “safeguard” my dear husband put on our computers makes it impossible for me to write on Donna’s blog. I write and then hit send and my reply just goes away. Technology is wonderful when it works and an enigma to me when it does not. You are each one from QL in our daily prayers here. My husband and I walk in the mornings around 5AM and pray. I name as many of the QLCS folks as I can remember and send a cover prayer for all others. I agree with you Debbie, I too love reading Carol’s blog. Carol, you stretch me intellectually and spiritually, too.
        love and prayers, jep

  3. Debbie Z. and dear JEP: you can reunite in my blog comments any day of the year! It’s delightful to hear from you! I’m sorry that you’ve been prevented from commenting on QL, jep. I love your comments and your love and prayers.

    • Carol, You are so very kind and I thank you!
      And, every time I write in my quote journal I think of you.
      We share a love of the written word….
      love and prayers, jep

Comments are cinnamon on my oatmeal!