Flannery in Janu’ry

Flannery child.Flannery O’Connor, from her childhood home (picture by K. Harper)

I committed myself to reading Flannery O’Connor’s The Complete Stories as part of Books and Movie’s “I’ve Always Meant to Read That” challenge. In the past few years, I’ve acquired everything published by Flannery (except for A Prayer Journal, just released in November). The Challenge gave me a needed push to dive in.

It was more a belly flop than a dive. I collared my young friend Matthew, who counts FOC as one of his favorite authors, and asked him why I should be reading this depressing stuff. His answer:

“Every Christian needs to read O’Connor, to get the pettiness and self-absorption out of their systems.”

And, you know, Flannery grew on me. The later stories made more sense, were more accessible. “More mature,” a lit major would murmur, cigarette dangling between his knuckles.

It has been a baptism by immersion. Two things helped me immensely: I read Brad Gooch’s Flannery: A Life of Flannery O’Connor, which made me sympathetic to her and helped me to see her vision. I borrowed two audio books, A Good Man Is Hard to Find, and Every Thing That Rises Must Converge, which included many of the stories in The Complete Stories. I took 4 mile walks, listening and concentrating. When I had the time, I listened and read along.

No question, the girl was brilliant. I felt kinship with the reviews of her first novel. “They all recognized her power but missed her point.” Here’s an example: In one story, a grandfather is confronted with a woman who claims his grandson ran into her and broke her ankle. He replies, “I don’t know him. I’ve never seen him before.” A clear allusion to Peter denying Christ the night before the crucifixion. Sooooo. What does it mean?

Flannery herself described her stories as odd, disturbing, unconventional. And the irony? With Flannery, irony is a contact sport. Wickedly funny. But it seems her goal was to smack us in the face so we would see ourselves correctly. These stories have much more than entertainment in mind.

Now that I’ve read through The Complete Stories, I’m ready to read through Mystery and Manners: Occasional Prose and The Letters of Flannery O’Connor: The Habit of Being.

I hoped that O’Connor was filmed giving one of her lectures. I didn’t find that, but I found an audio track of her reading one of her most famous stories, “A Good Man Is Hard to Find.” This would give someone a taste of Flannery.

I found it interesting that Flannery substitutes “colored” for the n-word in this reading.

9 thoughts on “Flannery in Janu’ry

  1. Oh, you have absolutely made my day! I LOVE hearing the voice of Flannery O’Connor. I read her letter book early last year and fell in love with her. She watches chickens, ducks and peacocks, how could I not love her? Great review!

  2. I don’t know. Eldest Daughter likes Ms. O’Connor very much. (She got the prayer journal book for Christmas.) But I’m afraid I just wouldn’t get it.

    • I know I don’t get it yet, but I want to. You said something about one of N.D. Wilson’s kid books that I remember, something about there seemed to be a secret code that you didn’t have. That’s how I feel with FOC. It’s hard work, I tell you.

  3. After really enjoying her Prayer Journal, I’m thinking maybe she is a “love the non-fiction, but not the fiction” kind of author for me. I have a few of those, or authors that fit the opposite. I’ll definitely be looking for her letters at some point.

    • I’m glad to hear that you are enjoying the Prayer Journal. I’m still trying to ponder how she could think up the fiction. I do have to say I think her later pieces are the best. Try reading “Revelation.”

  4. Pingback: Saturday Review of Books: February 1, 2014 | Semicolon

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