Indulge Me For A Moment

I try not to overdo the grandma thing: I have not yet approached a stranger and offered to show family pictures.  [thought strikes me]  But that’s what I’m doing now isn’t it?  Horrors!  I’ve become the woman people hide from!

This is my oldest son with his son.  They are some of the greatest delights of my life.  Dependability and responsibility have been hallmarks of this young man’s life.  I snuck a peek during prayer group this week and I saw him holding his beloved son on his lap and demonstrating folded hands and a quiet posture.  The toddler mimicked his daddy.  No greater joy, folks, no greater joy.

8 thoughts on “Indulge Me For A Moment

  1. Okay dear, he is almost as cute as mine! What eyes! You get this overwhelming desire to just hug him. I do love to hear of tender fatherhood.  Isn’t grandparenthood grand?

  2. When you have boys that handsome in the family, you can’t help but to brag! I’d show pictures to strangers 🙂 … actually I’m rather a pathetic aunt since I don’t even have a picture of my adorable nephew in my wallet … must remedy that!

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